Today we celebrated our Champions.
6 days ago, Pam McAllister
girls basketball
girls basketball
This week's "Teach Like A Viking" awards go to Carole Mortimer and Leah Campanelli. Carol and Leah represent "Good to Great".
6 days ago, Pam McAllister
Lean and Carole
Congratulations to our Undefeated 8th Grade Mid-Northern Conference Champion Riley Girls Basketball team! 1st Place Regular Season 1st Place MNC Conference Tournament 10-0! They are bringing home the trophy! Thank you for three years of dedication and representing our Riley Vikings!
7 days ago, Frank Vicari
first place
bringing home the trophy
Good Luck to our 8th grade girls basketball team as they travel to North Boone for the Mid-Northern Conference Championship Game today at 5:15 vs, North Boone!
8 days ago, Pam McAllister
8th grade girls basketball
This week's "Teach Like A Viking" award goes to Nicolle Stratton. Nicolle is being recognized for "Integrity”.
13 days ago, Pam McAllister
Nicolle Stratton
The United Methodist Church of Marengo recently held a Tissue Drive and donated to Marengo area schools on 2/26/2025. The donation was gratefully received by Mr. Vicari and a few of our Riley students: Gibson Doyle, Claire Dummer, Della Borhart, and Jaxson Zielke
16 days ago, Pam McAllister
Methodist Church Donation
This week's "Teach Like A Viking" award goes to Vanessa Iovinelli. Vanessa represents "Nurture"
20 days ago, Pam McAllister
Vanessa Iovinelli
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will take place on Friday March 7, 2025.
20 days ago, Pam McAllister
Kindergarten registration
Due to this road closure, bus 4 and 5 are having trouble getting to some of their regular stops. Buses are not allowed between these roads. We apologize for the inconvenience.
23 days ago, Frank Vicari
road closure
The P.E. department would like to give a huge shout out to our school and community. Riley has made the Top 20 School list for collecting donations and saving hearts. Way to go Riley!!!
24 days ago, Pam McAllister
Top 25
This weeks "Teach Like A Viking" award goes to Gretchen Mallegni. Gretchen represents "Kindness".
27 days ago, Pam McAllister
Thank you to everyone who came out this morning for Sweet Treats with Mom!!
27 days ago, Pam McAllister
Sweet Treats with Mom
Sweet treat with mom
Sweet Treats with mom
sweet treats with mom
sweet treats with mom
Tomorrow ends our Kids Heart Challenge. As a school we are SO close to our goal! Students have "saved" 236 hearts so far!! Can we make it to 300? Thank you for helping to create a community of lifesavers.
30 days ago, Pam McAllister
kids heart challenge
Please join us Friday morning February 14, from 7:30-8:05 for Sweet Treats with Mom!! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
about 1 month ago, Pam McAllister
sweet treats with mom
A very appreciative Riley thank you to the Sacred Heart chapter of the Knights of Columbus for their generous donation to Riley's special education program. This money will be used to purchase items to supplement the instructional needs of our Riley students. We hear it a lot but...It's a great day to be a Viking.
about 1 month ago, Pam McAllister
Knights of Columbus
Save the date!!
about 1 month ago, Pam McAllister
sweet treats with mom
This weeks "Teach Like A Viking" award goes to Nikki Allen. Nikki represents kindness.
about 1 month ago, Pam McAllister
Nikki Allen
Today Riley School accepted a generous donation from the Clifford and Marian Burke family in honor of Marian Burke who was a lifelong dedicated member of the Riley School lunch program. The artwork will be hung in the cafeteria to honor Marian's many years of service.
about 1 month ago, Pam McAllister
Burke painting
Burke painting
Burke painting
Today was our Kids Heart Challenge kick-off! There are 3 main reasons we participate in the Kids Heart Challenge: 1. To support our own heart health 2. To inform others of heart health 3. To raise funds for the PE Department to purchase new P.E. Equipment
about 2 months ago, Pam McAllister
kids heart challenge
kids heart challenge
kids heart challenge
kids heart challenge
kids heart challenge
This week's "Teach Like A Viking" award goes to Jill Turner. Mrs. Turner exemplifies "Good to Great".
about 2 months ago, Pam McAllister
Jill Turner